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Review Ish Short Stories

Here are the top Review Ish short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
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Airhead by Meg Cabot Summa...
ashwrites Bronze Comma
5 years ago
A summary of the Airhead Trilogy by Meg Cabot accompanying my fanfiction series So Not Mine (An Airhead Fanfiction) and Airhead Fanfition. Please note that both of these are NOT the same series, and p...

Airhead by Meg Cabot Summa...
ashwrites Bronze Comma
5 years ago
A summary of the Airhead Trilogy by Meg Cabot accompanying my fanfiction series So Not Mine (An Airhead Fanfiction) and Airhead Fanfition. Please note that both of these are NOT the same series, and p...