dirty_mind Bronze Comma
Love>Live>Vape< . 2 years ago
Everyone should deserve to live...even when times are hard my brother died a sad death he drown himself at the city pool...we tried to save him but it was too late...i think he is now regretting what he did because he is missing so much... i wish i could have saved him but he...I. I panicked and later my family started calling me a mistake and abusing me my COUSIN who is 30 is always raping me and i wish i could die but whenever i think about it i always got a vision of what my brother did. I think of jumping off a building. But then i think of what it will feel like when i hit the ground...i think of stabbing myself... but i think of how it would feel with a knife hitting me..i think of drowning myself...but i always think of my brother and the life we had together...My point is You should never think of all of the bad things in life you should think of all of the good things
astraeus Commaful Star
filled with these feelings. . 2 years ago
death is a drug.